In an ever-changing world, we never stop adapting. Discover what’s been happening at Wise Group:
International Security Officer's Day 2023
Every day, security officers put themselves in harm’s way to protect the public from danger.
Security tips for the holiday season
Wise Group suggests the following tips to help avoid being targeted by burglars this festive season.
World Mental Health Day 2022
This World Mental Health Day – October 10 – the message is simple: “Look after your mental health, Australia.”
R U OK? DAY is Thursday 8 September 2022
R U OK? Day is a national day of action to remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’
International Security Officer's Day 2022
Everyday, security officers put themselves in harm’s way to protect the public from danger. International Security Officers' Day is an opportunity to recognise and thank those people who work behind the scenes to keep us safe.
Lest we forget – Commemorating ANZAC Day 2022
As we commemorate ANZAC Day in public for the first time in two years, we remember those who have served and continue to serve.